quarta-feira, outubro 28, 2009

dá-me a tua melhor faca...

Dá-me a tua melhor faca
Para cortarmos isto em dois
E amanhã esquecer

linda martini

terça-feira, outubro 20, 2009

Once upon a time....

Once upon a time there was a poor child,
with no father and no mother
And everything was dead
And no one was left in the whole world
Everything was dead

And the child went on search, day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth,
he wanted to go up into the heavens
And the moon was looking at him so friendly
And when he finally got to the moon,
the moon was a piece of rotten wood

And then he went to the sun
And when he got there, the sun was a wilted sunflower
And when he got to the stars, they were little golden flies.
Stuck up there, like the shrike sticks 'em on a blackthorn

And when he wanted to go back, down to earth,
the earth was an overturned piss pot
And he was all alone, and he sat down and he cried
And he is there till this day
All alone...

Okay, there's your story!

Children's Story, Tom Waits

domingo, outubro 18, 2009

alguém que pare o mundo que eu quero sair...

"Alguém que pare o mundo que eu quero sair
Alguém que quebre o muro que eu quero sair

Sinto-me bem quando o silêncio está aqui
Suspiro fundo, está na hora de partir
Alguém que quebre o muro é certo o seu ruir...
Alguém que pare o mundo que eu quero sair."

Azevdo Silva, DieMauer [link]

terça-feira, outubro 13, 2009

um de junho de dois mil e nove

rossio, Lisboa.

lets fly away...

terça-feira, outubro 06, 2009

rain drops

a hidden place...

quinta-feira, outubro 01, 2009


há dois tipos de crianças, as que querem ser jogadores de futebol e as que querem ser astronautas.
devia ter escolhido a primeira hipótese, hoje sou um astronauta de água doce sempre com medo de ficar sem pé...