quinta-feira, março 25, 2010

the imqossible

Impossible's First Brand New Instant Film
After 31.536.000 nerve-wracking seconds of excitement and hope, joy and exhaustion, devastating setbacks and auspicious progress, The Impossible Project is proud to present its own child: the newly developed Instant Film - the PX 100 Silver Shade, optimized for all SX70 cameras and ready to be purchased and inhaled in a first limited First Flush Edition now!
Our PX 100 Silver Shade film produces originals of outstanding, unique and never before seen characteristics, pushing analog Instant Photography beyond all traditional limits. Other than the highly standardized, traditional Polaroid film, the Impossible Film offers a new, broad range of possibilities, fresh characteristics and results - individual just as you are. The "colors" of this monochrome material range from dark brown greenish hues and deep brown or dark red contrast to either high contrasty or soft yellow orange or greyish hues.
The development of PX SilverShade monochrome Instant Films is based on highly sensitive chemical material which is extremely fragile to outside factors, changing color and contrast triggered by various parameters.
For development you should always keep the image
close to your heart and keep it warm there when the air is cool.
(We highly recommend to take your first test shot inside at room temperature)
Also shield it from light when it is developing!
